Recreating the Bollywood version of Arab classic of “naari- naari’ Rajkummar Rao and Mouni Roy have clean bowled us with their latest track titled Naari Naari from their upcoming film Made in China. This upbeat happening track is sung by talented singers Vishal Dadlani, Jonita Gandhi, Sachin-Jigar and composed by Sachin-Jigar. Naari Naari is an Arabic track which was released in the 90s that is recreated by the makers.
The track as portrayed is a dream sequence where Rajkummar dreams of grooving with his onscreen ladylove played Mouni. The song beats ensure that this track will soon become one of the most played tracks in the clubs and parties around in the town. While till date we only knew Rao as an impeccable actor, with this track he proves to be an excellent dancer as well.
Mouni as always has danced well. Made In China directed by Mikhil Musale narrates a story of a commoner’s journey of being a successful entrepreneur followed by several failed attempts.
Watch the song here :-