Bollywood actor Aamir Khan publicity going down these days. He is hot spot of discussion on social media about his film Lal Singh Chaddha for the past several days. However, the actor is in the news not for the promotion or story of his film but for his past statments. Actually, people on social media are constantly demanding to boycott his film ‘Laalsinghchhadha’. Not only this, people are fiercely trolling this film for its star cast. Amidst the ongoing controversy regarding the film, now the makers of the film have released a new poster of upcoming movie.

In this new poster of the film that surfaced, the actor is seen in a different style of Aamir Khan. Actually, instead of the face of the actor, his feet are visible in the poster. By sharing the poster, the makers have tried to grab everyone's attention towards the shoes worn by the actor. Sharing this poster, it was written in the caption, Lal Singh Chaddha's mother used to say, ‘that shoes are the identity card of the fellow. Know why, in nine days! In theaters near you on August 11th.

After the poster surfaced, once again the protest against the actor's film has started. Social media users are demanding to boycott this on the constant comment on this new poster of the film. Also appealing to the people not to waste their time and money by watching this film. However, there are many people who are seen supporting this film and the actor. Some users are supporting Aamir Khan by wishing the actor good luck for the film.